Te separas mucho The distance you left

Te separas mucho The distance you left

Te separas mucho

In 1989, José Luis and Luz María, a young couple living in Galicia and who have just had a daughter, get divorced. José Luis films the entire process of their breakup with his camera. In 2019, their daughter Paula, who has lived in France for ten years with her girlfriend Joy, also separated. Paula, like her father, has recorded her love story and its end throughout this time.

The editor Paula Veleiro tackles her first feature as a director with brutal visceral intensity, confronting her own emotional breakdown after a romantic breakup. The domestic images of her family’s past turn into both tangible and ghostly memories. Fragments of a shipwreck, but also the lifeline upon which she tries to interpret the present. Juxtaposing, fantasizing, and reconstructing, Veleiro manages to shed light on the way we beautify memories and our relationship with their audiovisual record. This documentary uses intimate archival material to initiate a dialogue between two breakups thirty years apart, attempting to answer the question: what remains when love ends?

Followed by a Q&A with director Paula Veleiro.


06 April
MACA Amsterdam 
05 April
Filmkoepel Haarlem 



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