In her sensitive and direct debut feature film, director Alauda Ruiz de Azúa examines the special situation in which young parents find themselves and depicts the challenges this poses for their relationship; she also explores the topics of absent fathers and the cross-generational role that women play as carers.
Thanks to a marvelous cast, Cinco lobitos takes an undiluted and intimate look at the emotions that exist within families – emotions that are at times oppressive and at others painfully absent.
Amaia and Javi have just had their first child. Amaia’s parents – the friendly Koldo and the energetic Begoña – are visiting to help the young family for a few days. After their departure, the new parents try to balance the new challenges and their professional obligations. But when Javi disappears for weeks at a time for work, Amaia finds herself having to manage on her own. Exhausted and at the end of her tether, she seeks refuge at her parent’s house where she hopes to find some support. But Begoña falls ill, and the family dynamics begin to change.
The Premiere will be followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Alauda Ruiz de Azúa.
Spanish drinks will be followed after the screening!