Cría Cuervos Raise Ravens

About the film

Winner of the Cannes Grand Prix in 1976, Carlos Saura is responsible for making Ana Torrent’s expressive eyes become part of Spanish cinematography. Ana remembers everything that occurred after her dad’s death twenty years ago. Her daughter, nine years old, believes she has the power over the life and death of those who live around her. Also, she believes she has the power to summon Ana’s mother, long since deceased. With her, she revives their tender and, on occasion, dominant relationship.

“Es posiblemente su obra magna, la más influyente y completa: un retorcido relato sobre la infancia que funciona al mismo tiempo como reflejo de España a finales de la dictadura.”

— Carla Monfort

Festivals & Awards Winner:



26 November
Eye Filmmuseum 

Stills from the movie


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