Casa en llamas A House on Fire

Casa en llamas A House on Fire

About the film

Casa en llamas, directed by Dani de la Orden, is a tragicomedy that delves into the complexities of family dynamics. The film follows Montse (Emma Vilarasau), who looks forward to a reunion with her distant children at their summer home after a long divorce. She hopes the weekend will rekindle lost connections, but tensions quickly surface, revealing hidden resentments and secrets. As Montse’s ideal family gathering unravels, she takes unexpected actions that stir old wounds. The film portrays family life with sharp humor and naturalistic dialogue, exploring how love can be both selfish and painful. It reflects on the clash between family ideals and reality, showing that beneath the surface, chaos lurks.

Casa en llamas addresses the complex role of women approaching their senior years, highlighting the contradictions of a society that idealizes maternal sacrifice but forgets those who have given everything for their families. The film denounces the emotional, physical, and social abandonment faced by these women, who lose their central role in the family after decades of effort and sacrifice. Through its protagonist, it reflects the strength to redefine their identity and seek new forms of empowerment. It is a call to recognize and value the invisible work of mothers and to rethink the value of mature women in society.

Casa en llamas examines whether a family can survive the storm of emotional conflict and rediscover what it means to truly be a family.

“The film offers a brutal yet poignant commentary on generational trauma as it plunges its audiences into the troubled waters of deception”



'Casa en llamas' will be screened at Pathé Tuschinski on March 7 at 20:30 during the ASFF Launch Event
07 March
Pathé Tuschinski 

Stills from the movie


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